Synqion is moving to TeamDrive!
From 2025, all Synqion users with existing credentials will be able to use the TeamDrive apps on all platforms and continue working with all stored data. The desktop apps can be migrated and the TeamDrive mobile apps can be installed and used with the existing credentials.
There will be no more updates for Synqion apps.
Synqion has been aquired by TeamDrive in June 2024
The zero knowledge sync & share solution for businesses. Secure collaboration for your teams. 100% privacy guaranteed
How to transfer my Synqion Data to TeamDrive?
Quit the Synqion Application completely. Then install the latest Version of TeamDrive and follow the instructions for the automatic migration process.
Don't worry, your privacy remains untouched and you can continue to use the service as before. You can find more details here.
What do I lose?
Nothing! In fact you gain the most up-to-date version of TeamDrive and in the months to come, all the fantastic updates we have planned.
Your files are as safe as they can be.
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